
What is dissemination & dissemination process

Activities serving the dissemination and exploitation of results are a way to showcase the work that has been done as part of the Erasmus+ project. Sharing results, lessons learned and outcomes and findings beyond the participating organisations will enable a wider community to benefit from a work that has received EU funding, as well as to promote the organisation’s efforts towards the objectives of Erasmus+, which attaches fundamental importance to the link between Programme and policies.

What do dissemination mean?

Dissemination is a planned process of providing information on the results of programmes and initiatives to key actors. It occurs as and when the result of programmes and initiatives become available. In terms of the Erasmus+ Programme this involves spreading the word about the project successes and outcomes as far as possible. Making others aware of the project will impact on other organisations in the future and will contribute to raising the profile of the organisation carrying out the project. To effectively disseminate results, an appropriate process at the beginning of the project needs to be designed. This should cover why, what, how, when, to whom and where disseminating results will take place, both during and after the funding period. (Source of information)

Therefore the dissemination plan is set for GOAL project and has the aim of making the project results accessible to the highest number of potential beneficiaries as possible.

The dissemination process involves various phases:

1) Identification of the dissemination objectives. 2) Identification of the contents for dissemination. 3) Identification of the subjects in charge of dissemination 4) Identification of dissemination actions
The main identified dissemination objectives are: 


  • Inform the potential users about the project results
  • Make the project results available, accessible and usable to the potential users who are not directly involved in the project
  • Improve the visibility and impact of the project
The identified contents of the project to be disseminated are: 


  • The GOAL project portal and all deliverables it contains
  • Methodological and management strategies for the achievement of the project objectives
  • Results achieved at both transnational and local level which highlight the level of convergence between the results reached and the objectives originally foreseen
  • Unforeseen results that are considered points of strength will also be emphasized
  • Project partners indicated in the application form
  • Associated partners that will be involved during the project life time so as to promote the use of the project outcomes to their end users

In addition to the contractual obligations, each project partner had to carry out at least 1-2 dissemination action during each month of the project.

Therefore all partners will be able to access the information about the dissemination events organized by the others and draw ideas from them. The project’s partners will be able to learn from each other dissemination practices.

GOAL project dissemination report