Multiplier events

The Aim Of Multiplier Event Is To Share The Intellectual Outputs Of A Project With A Wider Audience.


On the 7th July 2020, the Portuguese Closing Conference of the Erasmus + GOAL Project was held virtually. In this project, various educational resources and syllabus were created to raise geoethical awareness in Higher Education. These resources are now compiled in the eBook “Teaching Geoethics: Resources for Higher Education,” presented at this event.


At the end of June, the final conference for dissemination purposed of Erasmus+ project GOAL was organized by project partner – KTU Faculty of Informatics – in KTU Santaka Valley. During the event project itself and its final results, including eBook was presented. Part written by KTU researchers was related to social responsibility and ethics in the use of the media as in this project our main role is to develop IT based products and ensure technical issues.

Participants of the conference were lecturers, teachers, students from different Lithuanian cities and institutions. In total we reached around 50 people face to face. They were all indifferent to the topic of geoethics. The presentations were followed by productive question-and-answer sessions.



The event was held on July 16th 2020 (under social distancing…), in the science teaching department of the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel.
25 Earth science educators and researchers participated.
An introduction was given to Geoethics and to the Goal project.
All outcomes of the project were introduced: syllabus, outputs and educational resources, e-book.
Participants got to hear from researchers about current Geoethical dilemmas and to experience and think about the use of the resources, in small groups.
