
GOAL project will have four transnational meetings, held in three different partner countries:

1st Transnational project meeting

Kick-off meeting took place in Porto, Portugal on the 3rd-4th of May 2018.
Meeting was organized by: UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO

The agenda for the First Transnational Meeting was…

Analysis of the final budget and inform all partners on financial management issues;

Analysis (and adjustment) of the final structure pf the GOAL project;

Re-definition of outputs in accordance to the last Portuguese Erasmus Agency budget;

Characterization of collaboration between team member (in workshops) and outputs coordination;

Re-evaluation of the Gantt Chart and readjust the timetable of activities;

Discussion about dissemination and its activities;

Development of a plan of risk management in three different areas: (a) risks connected to outputs;

(b) risks connected with the cooperation among third parties; (c) risks associated with project management;

Discussion of the sustainability of the project.


2nd Transnational project meeting

It took place in Lithuania from the 2nd and 3rd May 2019.

The agenda For The Second Transnational Meeting Was…

The Agenda For The Second Transnational Meeting Was…
Analysis of the financial report and discussion of the interim report;
Presentation of the next workshops plans and a brief discussion of its importance for the following steps of the GOAL;
Dissemination plan overview;
Review and improvements of the GOAL website;
Review and establishment of an eBook draft;
Evaluation of the GOAL educational resources already done and the syllabus development state;
Debate about future and possible publications related to the GOAL project.


3rd Transnational project meeting

It took place in Spain from the 14th and 15th November 2019.
Meeting was organized by: UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA

The agenda For The Second Transnational Meeting Was…

Review and analysis of the activities developed and brief overview of the results achieved. Specific information about timesheets, financial issues and the multiplier events;

Presentation of new GOAL Educational Resources on hydropower plants, water management and geoheritage;

Review, discussion and improvements of GOAL Syllabus and eBook;

Information about dates and plans for the next workshop in Israel.

Field work and guided visit to the Museo de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Zaragoza;

Debate and discussion on aspects related to geoheritage management in the framework of geoethics.


4th Transnational project meeting

This event took place on 13th July 2020 virtually due to the outbreak of COVID-19